
Key Successful Factors of volkswagen group

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The number of Volkswagen brand passenger cars sold came to 1,808,766 in the first half of the 2009/10 fiscal year. The Golf was the mainstay of sales. Volkswagen commercial vehicles sold 140,099 units in the first half of 2009/10. Scania’s sales totaled 22,776 vehicles.

In the region of Europe/other markets, the Volkswagen group achieved unit sales of 1,730,018 vehicles in the first six months of 2009/10. In North America, unit sales amounted to 238,595 vehicles. Unit sales in South America in the first half of 2009/10 came to 434,245 vehicles. Including the joint ventures in China, the Volkswagen group sold 899,286 vehicles on the passenger car markets in the Asia Pacific region in the first six months of the 2009/10 fiscal year.

The Volkswagen group has all major regions of the world. It is multi-brand strategy and technological expertise and, as a result, the youngest, most environmentally friendly and widest range of vehicles are key success factors. We continuously expanding the group’s position on the world’s markets in the process. The Volkswagen group therefore expects the number of vehicles delivered to customers in 2010 to exceed the 2009 level.

